Gaussian Component Orders

The order of the individual components can vary between use cases. gau2grid can produce any resulting order that a user requires. The C version of the code must be compiled to a given order. The currently supported orders are as follows.

Cartesian Order

gau2grid currently supports both the cca and molden orders. The number of components per angular momentum can be computed as:

\[N_{\rm cartesian} = (\ell + 1) (\ell + 2) / 2\]

Row Order

The cca order iterates over the upper triangular hyper diagonal and has the following pattern:

  • S (\(\ell = 0\)): 1

  • P (\(\ell = 1\)): X, Y, Z

  • D (\(\ell = 2\)): XX, XY, XZ, YY, YZ, ZZ

  • F (\(\ell = 3\)): XXX, XXY, XXZ, XYY, XYZ, XZZ, YYY, YYZ, YZZ, ZZZ

Molden Order

The molden order is primarily found in a Molden format and only has a determined values for \(0 \leq \ell < 4\).

  • S (\(\ell = 0\)): 1

  • P (\(\ell = 1\)): X, Y, Z

  • D (\(\ell = 2\)): XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ

  • F (\(\ell = 3\)): XXX, YYY, ZZZ, XYY, XXY, XXZ, XZZ, YZZ, YYZ, XYZ

Spherical Order

gau2grid currently supports both the CCA and gaussian orders. The numnber of components per angular momentum can be computed as:

\[N_{\rm spherical} = 2\ell + 1\]

CCA Order

An industry standard order known as the Common Component Architecture:

  • S (\(\ell = 0\)): \(Y_0^0\)

  • P (\(\ell = 1\)): \(Y_1^{-1}\), \(Y_1^{0}\), \(Y_1^{+1}\),

  • D (\(\ell = 2\)): \(Y_2^{-2}\), \(Y_2^{-1}\), \(Y_2^{0}\), \(Y_2^{+1}\), \(Y_2^{+2}\)

Gaussian Order

The gaussian order as used by the Gaussian program:

  • S (\(\ell = 0\)): \(Y_0^0\)

  • P (\(\ell = 1\)): \(Y_1^{0}\), \(Y_1^{+1}\), \(Y_1^{-1}\),

  • D (\(\ell = 2\)): \(Y_2^{0}\), \(Y_2^{+1}\), \(Y_2^{-1}\), \(Y_2^{+2}\), \(Y_2^{-2}\)