Source code for gau2grid.c_wrapper

A Python wrapper for the compiled GG functions.

import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import os

import numpy as np

from . import docs_generator
from . import utility

# Attempt to load the compiled C code
__lib_found = False
__libgg_path = None
cgg = None

# First check the local folder
    abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    cgg = np.ctypeslib.load_library("gg", abs_path)
    __libgg_path = os.path.join(abs_path, cgg._name)
    __lib_found = True
except OSError:
        cgg = np.ctypeslib.load_library("libgg", abs_path)
        __libgg_path = os.path.join(abs_path, cgg._name)
        __lib_found = True
    except OSError:
        cgg = None

__order_enum = {
    "spherical": {
        "cca": 300,
        "gaussian": 301,
    "cartesian": {
        "cca": 400,
        "molden": 401,

def _build_collocation_ctype(nout, orbital=False):
    Builds the ctypes signatures for the libgg C lib
    ret = [
        # L, npoints

        # XYZ, stride
        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, ndim=1, flags=("C", "A")),

        # Gaussian, nprim, coef, exp, center
        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, ndim=1, flags=("C", "A")),  # coef
        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, ndim=1, flags=("C", "A")),  # exp
        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, shape=(3, ), ndim=1, flags=("C", "A")),  # center

        # Spherical
    if orbital:
        ret.insert(1, ctypes.c_ulong)  # norbs
        ret.insert(1, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, ndim=2, flags=("C", "A")))  # orbs

    # Pushback output
    for n in range(nout):
        ret.append(np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.double, ndim=2, flags=("W", "C", "A")))

    return tuple(ret)

# Bind the C object
if cgg is not None:

    # Helpers
    cgg.gg_ncomponents.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)
    cgg.gg_ncomponents.restype = ctypes.c_int

    # Transposes
    cgg.gg_naive_transpose.restype = None
    cgg.gg_naive_transpose.argtypes = (ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(),

    cgg.gg_fast_transpose.restype = None
    cgg.gg_fast_transpose.argtypes = (ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(),

    # Collocation generators
    cgg.gg_orbitals.restype = None
    cgg.gg_orbitals.argtypes = _build_collocation_ctype(1, orbital=True)

    cgg.gg_collocation.restype = None
    cgg.gg_collocation.argtypes = _build_collocation_ctype(1)

    cgg.gg_collocation.restype = None
    cgg.gg_collocation_deriv1.argtypes = _build_collocation_ctype(4)

    cgg.gg_collocation.restype = None
    cgg.gg_collocation_deriv2.argtypes = _build_collocation_ctype(10)

    cgg.gg_collocation.restype = None
    cgg.gg_collocation_deriv3.argtypes = _build_collocation_ctype(20)

def c_compiled():
    Checks if the c code has been compiled or not.
    return __lib_found

def _validate_c_import():
    Throws an error if libgg is not found.
    if c_compiled() is False:
        raise ImportError("Compiled libgg not found. Please compile gau2grid before calling these\n"
                          "  functions. Alternatively, use the NumPy-based collocation functions found at\n"
                          "  gau2grid.ref.collocation or gau2grid.ref.collocation_basis. It should\n"
                          "  be noted that these functions are dramatically slower (4-20x).\n")

def cgg_path():
    Returns the path to the found object.
    return __libgg_path

def get_cgg_shared_object():
    Returns the compiled C shared object.

    return cgg

def max_L():
    Return the maximum compiled angular momentum.

    return cgg.gg_max_L()

def ncomponents(L, spherical=True):
    Computes the number of components for spherical and cartesian gaussians of a given L

    L : int
        The angular momentum of the basis function
    spherical : bool, optional
        Spherical (True) or Cartesian (False) number of components

        The number of components in the gaussian.

    return cgg.gg_ncomponents(L, spherical)

def _wrapper_checks(L, xyz, spherical, spherical_order, cartesian_order):
    if L > cgg.gg_max_L():
        raise ValueError("LibGG was only compiled to AM=%d, requested AM=%d." % (cgg.max_L(), L))

    # Check XYZ
    if xyz.shape[0] != 3:
        raise ValueError("XYZ array must be of shape (3, N), found %s" % str(xyz.shape))

# Validate the input
        if spherical:
            order_name = spherical_order
            order_enum = __order_enum["spherical"][spherical_order]
            order_name = cartesian_order
            order_enum = __order_enum["cartesian"][cartesian_order]
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError("Order Spherical=%s:%s not understood." % (spherical, order_name))

    return order_enum

[docs]def collocation_basis(xyz, basis, grad=0, spherical=True, out=None, cartesian_order="cca", spherical_order="cca"): return utility.wrap_basis_collocation(collocation, xyz, basis, grad, spherical=spherical, out=out, cartesian_order=cartesian_order, spherical_order=spherical_order)
# Write common docs collocation_basis.__doc__ = docs_generator.build_collocation_basis_docs( "This function uses a optimized C library as a backend.")
[docs]def orbital_basis(orbs, xyz, basis, spherical=True, out=None, cartesian_order="cca", spherical_order="cca"): return utility.wrap_basis_orbital(orbital, orbs, xyz, basis, spherical=spherical, out=out, cartesian_order=cartesian_order, spherical_order=spherical_order)
orbital_basis.__doc__ = docs_generator.build_orbital_basis_docs( "This function uses a optimized C library as a backend.")
[docs]def collocation(xyz, L, coeffs, exponents, center, grad=0, spherical=True, out=None, cartesian_order="cca", spherical_order="cca"): # Validates we loaded correctly _validate_c_import() order_enum = _wrapper_checks(L, xyz, spherical, spherical_order, cartesian_order) # Check gaussian coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs, dtype=np.double) exponents = np.asarray(exponents, dtype=np.double) center = np.asarray(center, dtype=np.double) if coeffs.shape[0] != exponents.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Coefficients (N=%d) and exponents (N=%d) must have the same shape." % (coeffs.shape[0], exponents.shape[0])) # Find the output shape npoints = xyz.shape[1] if spherical: nvals = utility.nspherical(L) else: nvals = utility.ncartesian(L) # Build the outputs out = utility.validate_coll_output(grad, (nvals, npoints), out) # Select the correct function if grad == 0: cgg.gg_collocation(L, npoints, xyz.ravel(), 1, coeffs.shape[0], coeffs, exponents, center, order_enum, out["PHI"]) elif grad == 1: cgg.gg_collocation_deriv1(L, npoints, xyz.ravel(), 1, coeffs.shape[0], coeffs, exponents, center, order_enum, out["PHI"], out["PHI_X"], out["PHI_Y"], out["PHI_Z"]) elif grad == 2: cgg.gg_collocation_deriv2(L, npoints, xyz.ravel(), 1, coeffs.shape[0], coeffs, exponents, center, order_enum, out["PHI"], out["PHI_X"], out["PHI_Y"], out["PHI_Z"], out["PHI_XX"], out["PHI_XY"], out["PHI_XZ"], out["PHI_YY"], out["PHI_YZ"], out["PHI_ZZ"]) elif grad == 3: cgg.gg_collocation_deriv3(L, npoints, xyz.ravel(), 1, coeffs.shape[0], coeffs, exponents, center, order_enum, out["PHI"], out["PHI_X"], out["PHI_Y"], out["PHI_Z"], out["PHI_XX"], out["PHI_XY"], out["PHI_XZ"], out["PHI_YY"], out["PHI_YZ"], out["PHI_ZZ"], out["PHI_XXX"], out["PHI_XXY"], out["PHI_XXZ"], out["PHI_XYY"], out["PHI_XYZ"], out["PHI_XZZ"], out["PHI_YYY"], out["PHI_YYZ"], out["PHI_YZZ"], out["PHI_ZZZ"]) else: raise ValueError("Only up to grad=3 is supported.") return out
collocation.__doc__ = docs_generator.build_collocation_docs("This function uses a optimized C library as a backend.")
[docs]def orbital(orbs, xyz, L, coeffs, exponents, center, spherical=True, out=None, cartesian_order="cca", spherical_order="cca"): # Validates we loaded correctly _validate_c_import() order_enum = _wrapper_checks(L, xyz, spherical, spherical_order, cartesian_order) # Check gaussian orbs = np.asarray(orbs, dtype=np.double) coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs, dtype=np.double) exponents = np.asarray(exponents, dtype=np.double) center = np.asarray(center, dtype=np.double) if coeffs.shape[0] != exponents.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Coefficients (N=%d) and exponents (N=%d) must have the same shape." % (coeffs.shape[0], exponents.shape[0])) # Find the output shape npoints = xyz.shape[1] if spherical: nvals = utility.nspherical(L) else: nvals = utility.ncartesian(L) if nvals != orbs.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Orbital block, must be equal to the shell size.") # Build the outputs if out is not None: out = {"PHI": out} out = utility.validate_coll_output(0, (orbs.shape[0], npoints), out)["PHI"] # Select the correct function cgg.gg_orbitals(L, orbs, orbs.shape[0], npoints, xyz.ravel(), 1, coeffs.shape[0], coeffs, exponents, center, order_enum, out) return out
orbital.__doc__ = docs_generator.build_orbital_docs("This function uses a optimized C library as a backend.")